果冻传媒 Quick Facts
Students (Fall 2023)
- Enrollment: 18,086
- Sex: 57% Female, 43% Male
- Full-Time: 66%
- Pell Grant Recipients: 4,677 (25.9%)
- Race/Ethnicity
- American Indian or Alaskan Native: 0.1%
- Asian, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander: 4.3%
- Black or African American: 3.8%
- Hispanic: 16.1%
- Multiracial: 3.5%
- White: 70.4%
- Unknown: 1.7%
- Undergraduate: 17,254 (95%)
- Associate & Certificate: 2,605 (15%)
- Baccalaureate: 14,649 (85%)
- Graduate: 832 (5%)
- Countries Represented: 80
- International Students: 202 (Non-resident aliens) / 496 (Country of Citizenship)
- U.S. States & Territories Represented: 45 states and Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico
- Georgia Counties Represented: 146

- Academic Units
- Most Popular Baccalaureate Majors:
- Biology (1,210)
- Psychology (774)
- Management (655)
- Business Administration (641)
- Marketing (628)
- 6 Year Full-time Baccalaureate Graduation Rate (Fall 2017 cohort): 51.6%
- 1 Year Full-time Baccalaureate Retention (Fall 2022 cohort): 72.7%
- 1 Year Full-time Associate Retention (Fall 2022 cohort): 60.3%
- Baccalaureate:
- Number of Applicants: 10,170
- Acceptance Rate: 68%
- Percent Admitted Who Enrolled: 45%
- Average SAT of First-Time Freshmen: 1064
- Average HS GPA of First-Time Freshmen: 3.54
- Associate
- Number of Applicants: 2,015
- Acceptance Rate: 88%
- Percent Admitted Who Enrolled: 47%
- Average SAT of First-Time Freshmen: 952
- Average HS GPA of First-Time Freshmen: 2.97

Corps of Cadets
- One of only 6 Senior Military Colleges in the United States
- Acceptance Rate: 52%
- Enrollment (Fall 2023): 640
- Sex: 22.5% Female, 77.5% Male
- Race/Ethnicity:
- Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 4.1%
- Black or African American: 4.8%
- Hispanic: 13.1%
- Multiracial: 4.2%
- Unknown: 1.3%
- White: 72.5%
- Mascot: Nigel the Nighthawk
- Number of Teams: 13
- NCAA Division II
- Member of the Peach Belt Conference
- Member of the Southern Conference for rifle
- Modern Athletic Facilities

- Colors: Blue and Gold
- Nighthawk statues are located in prominent locations on each campus.
- Each campus is unique and has its own traditions and events.